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  1. G1091 The members of your project team have been assigned to your project with general availability levels of 50%. Yesterday, they reported to you that significant variances occurred during project execution. You have noted that the team members have been spending less than 50% of their time working on your project. Your project schedule is about to become heavily delayed, and deadlines are in jeopardy. What should you do?

  2.  Following the cultural approach of the corporation for which you are starting to manage a project, you are guiding your project team through the first life-cycle phase of conceptualization. Your next step is to call for a team meeting to let ideas emerge in an unrestricted creative process. What exactly should that look like?

  3.  Your management announced that they want to put you on a stretch assignment. In this situation, you should consider that…

  4.  A review of your project team member’s most recent performance reports shows a major drop in output. Which is the best approach to raise team productivity in a project?

  5.  Which of the following are not common barriers to project team building?